tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork?

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tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork? Empty tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork?

Post by no1eastlane October 15th 2022, 4:36 pm

I'm new to this but wondered if anyone could shed some light on this .... Wood/ceramic serving board. Looks a bit like Alan Wallwork but not sure. And is it for cheese and crackers? tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork? Img_2023

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tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork? Empty Re: tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork?

Post by abstract*toad October 16th 2022, 2:43 pm

I'm only guessing, but from what I've seen there's similarities.
One of the more experienced members will know for sure, I imagine!!

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tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork? Empty Re: tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork?

Post by denbydump October 16th 2022, 3:22 pm

A discussion here, and on the wallwork thread


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tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork? Empty Re: tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork?

Post by studio-pots October 16th 2022, 3:26 pm

It's not a design that I have seen on a Wallwork tile and the red isn't a colour that I have known him to have used. Therefore, I would suggest that it's unlikely to have been one of his designs produced in his pottery.

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tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork? Empty Re: tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork?

Post by dantheman October 16th 2022, 5:19 pm

I agree

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tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork? Empty Re: tile set in oak - Alan Wallwork?

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