LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

Post by FoxandThomas May 3rd 2012, 2:28 am

Does anyone recognise this mark?  It looks like a trident with a bent tail - could be UL, CL or even EL.  It is a brown glazed vase with an impressed/incised design.  found in Australia but doesn't seem very characteristic of Australian studio pottery.

LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Brownv10

LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Brownv11

Other / Decline to state Number of posts : 42
Age : 82
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Registration date : 2011-08-24

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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty Re: LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

Post by edwardkimpton May 12th 2012, 8:50 pm

Most likely a UL or LU or VL , LV rather than a trident

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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty Re: LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

Post by FoxandThomas May 13th 2012, 2:25 am

Yes I was thinking UL. Could be LU or even possibly an E formed by the line of the L crossing the U shape. The L is a finer line than the U part which is interesting.

Other / Decline to state Number of posts : 42
Age : 82
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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty Re: LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

Post by edwardkimpton May 13th 2012, 9:39 am

Thinking latterally around th "E theory", If you turn it on it's side, it could be an rE ....or even LUE , EUL, ELU UEL, ELE (or the same series with a V instead of a U ...... as potters often combine three initials into a "combined" device. ...one thing is for sure, it's frustrating..will keep an eye on this one for more threads. Ed

Number of posts : 9
Location : Kingswinford UK
Registration date : 2012-05-12

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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty Re: LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

Post by FoxandThomas May 13th 2012, 10:32 am

Thanks Ed - it is indeed frustrating! I had no idea this would turn out to be so tricky to track down. I don't even have a clue as to what country it may have come from - I feel as though the more I look the less certain I am of anything!

When I found it I thought 'What a clear, distinctive mark - that shouldn't be too hard to find' Ha!

Other / Decline to state Number of posts : 42
Age : 82
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Registration date : 2011-08-24

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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty Re: LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

Post by Gdub May 15th 2012, 6:29 pm

Could also be a WL / LW, that was my first impression.

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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty Re: LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

Post by FoxandThomas May 16th 2012, 1:20 am

Linthorpe had an LW: Lucy Worth. her mark was a W crossed with an L:

Similar but not identical. I'm intrigued that the impressed decoration on some Linthorpe pots is the most similar thing I have seen to this vase. I'm feeling more confident that it is British and possibly from the Middlesborough area or influenced by Linthorpe. Although it only operated for 10 years their potters went on to work elsewhere and their moulds etc were sold at auction.

I have emailed photos to the Dorman museum in Middlesborough - I hope I get a reply. I'm trying to not let myself hope it is actual Linthorpe because I don't want to get over excited if I'm just chasing shadows. Who wouldn't want to think their pot had any kind Christopher Dresser connection?!

Other / Decline to state Number of posts : 42
Age : 82
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Registration date : 2011-08-24

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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty LE mark - Latvian folk pottery

Post by angie2009 September 1st 2013, 6:01 pm

Hi All
Not sure if New zealand ? any info greatfully appreciated,

LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  <a href=LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Dsc02710" />

LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Dsc02711


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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty Laimon “Upe” Lukstin, Australian Latvian Pottery

Post by NaomiM September 17th 2013, 5:43 pm

Australian Latvian Folk Pottery


Update June 2023 – Finally this potters’ name has come to light, thanks to his granddaughter who contacted me….and yes he was a Latvian post WWII arrival by the name of Laimon “Upe” Lukstin, (b1919-d2008) and he worked from Gawler near Adelaide, South Australia.

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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty Re: LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

Post by NaomiM May 26th 2019, 12:53 am

Australian Latvian folk pottery



Carrot cake is just fake cake

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LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery  Empty Re: LE mark, Laimon (Upe) Lukstin, Australian Latvian folk pottery

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