Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture?

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Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture? Empty Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture?

Post by jonbearwood April 10th 2012, 4:24 pm

My thinking is that its purpose maybe be a letter rack to hang in a hallway but then it can stand up so not sure now. No markings but nicely made - possibly Danish?
Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture? Jono10

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Registration date : 2012-04-03

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Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture?

Post by chairlinnet April 27th 2012, 9:50 am

Simply beautiful
I am currently looking at ebay and the flurry of buying of teak furniture so this attracts me..Then I think of Barbara Hepworth and her sculptures in the St Ives Gallery.
The flats on the 3 legs make me wonder if this it the back view

Could it be an exam piece? If so then practical looks 100%
Does anyone know anything about Guy Rogers. Compiling info for fun.
I like to know about personalities whatever I am studying.

At least with this rainy summer I am more inclined to study.
Interested that what appeals to me now is pretty well the same style as 50 years ago. However the rest is equally burnt in my memory and not just discarded as of no consequence.

Just let us all keep our enthusiasm and curiousity

Good hunting

Number of posts : 2
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Registration date : 2012-04-10

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Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture?

Post by scavo July 2nd 2012, 11:38 pm

I can't get an idea of the size of it as you have those skirtingboards that can be just a few inches or closer to a foot in hight. But your floorboards suggest it is about 48" tall.

Is it a dressing stand? It looks to me as though it might be for hanging your jacket on and a place for shoes? But one might expect a bar across the middle to drape your trousers? So perhaps it is for a hall - when people may not take their trousers off when they come in.

It seems to have been inspired by a harp.

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Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture?

Post by NaomiM July 2nd 2012, 11:50 pm

...perhaps it is for a hall - when people may not take their trousers off when they come in.

Or they may. Laughter

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this unusual piece of furniture?

Post by NaomiM July 2nd 2012, 11:54 pm

Could it be a mirror frame that's been adapted by a mad farmer who may or may not wish to take his trousers off in the hall?

I have a piece of furniture previously owned by my parents, which consists of a mahogany cutlery drawer that was bodged together by an antiques dealer with a mahogany panel for a door and set on a fine pedestal leg. It was sold to them as an 18th-19th Century campaign map chest.

Female Number of posts : 32211
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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