Daphne Carnegy

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Daphne Carnegy Empty Daphne Carnegy

Post by climberg64 July 24th 2011, 7:00 pm

Daphne Carnegy P1000336
Daphne Carnegy P1000337
Daphne Carnegy P1000338

I found this jug. It has a fine hairline crack but still rings like a bell. It's by Daphne Carnegy; a new potter to me. Does she have a big following? Tin glaze majolica I think.

Best wishes.

Number of posts : 1229
Location : North East
Registration date : 2010-01-20

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Daphne Carnegy Empty Re: Daphne Carnegy

Post by studio-pots July 24th 2011, 8:12 pm

I think that in general studio potters, who produce this type of work, do have a following but it is limited to people who like and use that type of thing. So basically it doesn't have any great resale/auction value.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

Male Number of posts : 7821
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Registration date : 2011-02-17


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Daphne Carnegy Empty Re: Daphne Carnegy

Post by Cheddington April 21st 2012, 3:49 pm

Daphne was a reknowned teacher at the famous Harrow Studio pottery course, now sadly closed down. Many of our best studio potters taught or studied there. Daphne has also written a seminal work on majolica/tinglaze but although her own work is very good indeed, it isn't "valuable" in market terms

Number of posts : 16
Location : Cheddington Bucks/Beds
Registration date : 2012-04-21


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