JH mark - Joyce Haynes

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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by climberg64 June 22nd 2011, 9:59 pm

JH mark - Joyce Haynes 03610
JH mark - Joyce Haynes 03710
JH mark - Joyce Haynes 03810

Do any of the studio experts out there recognise this?

Thanks for looking.

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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by bazzeranddi June 22nd 2011, 11:38 pm

The mark looks like that of Joyce Haynes - unless I'm mistaken

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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by studio-pots June 23rd 2011, 11:46 am

The two JH marks like yours that I can find are Joanna Howells and Joyce Haynes.

Joanna for many years has worked in porcelain but did work in stoneware early in her career. However, the examples that I have seen are decorated in brighter colours and the style doesn't really fit.

Joyce Haynes, who is suggested above, is a new name to me and the book suggests that she used a mark similar to yours when working in Scarborough from 1947 to 1960. That seems to fit in with where you live but without having seen any of her work it isn't really possible to give a definitive attribution.

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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by big ed June 23rd 2011, 1:49 pm


Email for Howells ,
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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by big ed June 23rd 2011, 1:52 pm

I can't find anything on Joyce haynes and I have never heard of her .
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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by hercules brabazon December 25th 2016, 8:12 pm

For the record, links to a couple of signed pieces by Joyce Haynes:

Certainly possible, from the brushwork. And interestingly her  entry in Who's Who In Art for 1974  reads:
"pottery teacher, Scarborough School of Art (1947-56); b Aldershot, 1917; d of Lt.-Col. P. Haynes. Educ.: St. Helen's School, Abingdon; studied art at Leicester College of Art and Leach Pottery. Exhib. Red Rose Guild, Leicester, Scarborough, St. Ives and Melrose Art Galleries, Derby, Nottingham, Crafts Centre Gt. Britain, Edinburgh Festival. Works in permanent collections: Leicester Museum, Argentine State Collection, Coll. Thomas Laughton, Esq., St. Anne's Church, Leicester. Address: The Chantry, Tuxford, nr. Newark-on-Trent. Signs work: "Joyce Haynes.
(Coaxed out of Google books snippet view only, so this would need checking)
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hercules brabazon

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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by NaomiM December 26th 2016, 2:45 am

I think Joyce Haynes is the most likely too


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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by hercules brabazon December 26th 2016, 9:17 am

Yes, I saw that one. It's unquestionably right, as it's fully signed "Joyce Haynes Scarborough 1951"  as well as having the seal mark. Not absolutely identical to the one the piece under discussion - the letters have definite serifs - but I think its probably the same person,
hercules brabazon
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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by hercules brabazon April 16th 2024, 11:05 am

The full Who's Who In Art entry, now available on Internet Archive:
HAYNES, Joyce Gwendolyn, A.T.D. (1943), D.A.E. (1951), F.I.A.L. (1960); potter and art teacher; lecturer in art, Derby Training College (1945-47); pottery teacher, Scarborough School of Art (1947-56); b Aldershot, 1917; d of Lt.-Col. P. Haynes. Educ.: St. Helen's School, Abingdon; studied art at Leicester College of Art and Leach Pottery. Exhib.: Red Rose Guild, Leicester, Scarborough, St. Ives and Melrose Art Galleries, Derby, Nottingham, Crafts Centre Gt. Britain, Edinburgh Festival. Works in permanent
collections: Leicester Museum, Argentine State Collection, Coll. ThomasLaughton, Esq., St. Anne's Church, Leicester. Address: The Chantry, Tuxford, nr. Newark-on-Trent. Signs work: "Joyce Haynes."
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

Post by philpot April 16th 2024, 1:12 pm

The Leach pottery entry is interesting. The decoration there looks very much like an attempt at the Leach Tree Of Life.

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JH mark - Joyce Haynes Empty Re: JH mark - Joyce Haynes

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