Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

Post by greendoor March 13th 2011, 8:19 pm

Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Books220

I found this delightful little treasure, in a Car Booty, many years ago, for 50p. Could it be an undiscovered Turner .....?????

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Re: Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

Post by TrippyPip March 15th 2011, 8:21 am

Hi, your photo is too big - please upload images to the forum as per our tutorial below - thanks.


If you're looking for an ID on this it's in the wrong place - I'll move the thread to our Art section.

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Re: Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

Post by big ed March 21st 2011, 6:47 am

but he did do pictures of venice .
big ed
big ed

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Re: Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

Post by TrippyPip March 21st 2011, 9:38 am

I was just going to say - it's a Venetian scene isn't it? Certainly looks like it to me (what I can actually see).

Greendoor, can you please reduce your photo as per my link above and repost a clickable thumbnail? Thanks.

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Re: Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

Post by tenpot March 21st 2011, 11:04 am

it looks venetian but I think there is too much white paper visible for Turner he usually covered the paper with colour washes and less blue more yellow and red

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Re: Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

Post by big ed March 21st 2011, 3:07 pm

I doubt very very much if this was turner , it looks too modern in technique for a start , a little bit contrived IMo
big ed
big ed

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Re: Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

Post by big ed March 22nd 2011, 7:52 am

well I think they are gondolas and that little guy at the front has an italian look about him , i think he's bumped into the other gondola and is shoutin' HEY!, Whatzza Matta YOU !, Gotta No respect , .............I rest my case Snooty
big ed
big ed

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Re: Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

Post by tenpot March 22nd 2011, 11:50 am

the trouble is gondolas don't have sails Laughter

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Re: Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

Post by big ed March 22nd 2011, 12:42 pm

Actually paul , some of the broader stern gondolas went to sea in the adriatic so a sail wouldn't have been out of the question , but you are probably right in this case , it isn't by thr great man imo Laughter
big ed
big ed

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Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!! Empty Re: Lost, undiscovered Turner...????? !!!

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