Syd Walker

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Syd Walker Empty Syd Walker

Post by flying free June 22nd 2010, 7:48 pm

This is not the kind of painting I normally choose. I like big abstract brightly coloured usually and this is very different to anything in our house, paintings or ceramics/glass wise really.  However I was at a small auction in our village and fell for it.  It has a fabulous attraction, it glows.  I always think it looks very 1920' German the way it is painted however most people confidently tell me it's French :) .  Chatting away to a friend I turned back to realise I'd missed it.  However the person who'd bought it overheard me moaning and offered to sell it to me for £1 more than he'd paid for it.  

Recently we did take it to auction.  It didn't make it's reserve and they suggested lowering the reserve slightly and reselling.  However I literally took it off the wall there and then and brought it home again.  
Syd Walker is now an MBE.  

Syd Walker Syd_wa10

flying free
flying free

Number of posts : 604
Location : UK
Registration date : 2010-02-21

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