Swedish Green and White Glass Vases

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Swedish Green and White Glass Vases Empty Swedish Green and White Glass Vases

Post by Wills-place February 2nd 2010, 3:08 am


I recently purchased these wonderful green and white glass vases. They stand 13" tall and are 6 3/4" at the widest point.
The exterior glass is green, the interior glass is white and the base is clear. Each vase weighs 3lbs 8oz and the pontil has
been ground concave. Could someone help me identify these?



[url=Swedish Green and White Glass Vases Img_2411

Male Number of posts : 6
Age : 61
Location : Schoolcraft, Michigan
Registration date : 2010-02-02

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Swedish Green and White Glass Vases Empty Re: Swedish Green and White Glass Vases

Post by big ed February 2nd 2010, 8:37 am

They look similar to Holmegaard, but hey !what do I know, I thought Gordon Brown was a hit for the stranglers , but I am sure one of our glassy eyed members will know Swedish Green and White Glass Vases 212118
big ed
big ed

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Swedish Green and White Glass Vases Empty Re: Swedish Green and White Glass Vases

Post by Pip February 2nd 2010, 9:04 am

Hi Bill, welcome to the forum.

What makes you think they're Swedish? I'm doubtful personally - it's not a very Swedish colour or technique. In answer to Ed, yes Holmegaard (Denmark) produced cased glass similar to this however these definitely aren't HG production - wrong colour, wrong shape....

I'm leaning towards contemporary Polish or Far Eastern production at the moment but it'd be good to see a base shot please if possible...

Text & photographs ©️ Pip Harris
20th Century Retro/Vintage Ceramics & Glass

Female Number of posts : 3322
Registration date : 2008-02-02


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Swedish Green and White Glass Vases Empty Re: Swedish Green and White Glass Vases

Post by Wills-place February 2nd 2010, 1:02 pm

Thanks for the replies. Sweden was a complete guess. Poland looks like a more possible candidate. Here are some shots of the base.


Swedish Green and White Glass Vases Img_2414
Swedish Green and White Glass Vases Img_2415

Male Number of posts : 6
Age : 61
Location : Schoolcraft, Michigan
Registration date : 2010-02-02

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