Italian Sommerso vase - ID please
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Re: Italian Sommerso vase - ID please
Not sure if it actually is by Flavio Poli for Seguso Vetri d'Arte, but thay always seem to be attributed that way.
Davee- Consultant
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Re: Italian Sommerso vase - ID please
As far as I know that's a fairly generic piece of Murano production from the 1970s onwards and nothing at all to do with Flavio Poli. There was a company called Mandrazzuti (something like that!) producing similar sommerso vases some with rippled/texturing so perhaps it's by them.
We'll move your vase out to the ID My Glass section Davee - other people will probably know more than I can tell you.
We'll move your vase out to the ID My Glass section Davee - other people will probably know more than I can tell you.
Text & photographs Pip Harris
20th Century Retro/Vintage Ceramics & Glass
Re: Italian Sommerso vase - ID please
Mandruzzato still produce those kind of vases today(both plain and textured ones). ;-)
Also, Campanella produced them too.
Ooo just remembered, La Serenissima produced faceted vases, I had a cranberry one cased in colourless glass, no idea what other colours they produced them in though.
Also, Campanella produced them too.
Ooo just remembered, La Serenissima produced faceted vases, I had a cranberry one cased in colourless glass, no idea what other colours they produced them in though.
art-of-glass- Number of posts : 14
Location : Ipswich, UK
Registration date : 2009-10-09
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