Green and bubbly? Can't remember!

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Green and bubbly? Can't remember! Empty Green and bubbly? Can't remember!

Post by Mr. Roboto August 10th 2009, 7:06 am

Hi there,
Ya know how you know something and after a while you think you still know it and then after a long time you know that you no longer know it? Well that's the case with this candle holder. I used to know this! Can anyone help in telling me what I used to know? It's 7cm tall with controlled bubbles and a flat base. Scanni, but who? Thanks for your help!
Mr. Roboto
Green and bubbly? Can't remember! Bub1
Green and bubbly? Can't remember! Bub2
Green and bubbly? Can't remember! Bub3
Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto

Number of posts : 15
Location : Encounter Bay, Australia
Registration date : 2009-07-27

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Green and bubbly? Can't remember! Empty Re: Green and bubbly? Can't remember!

Post by Nic August 10th 2009, 11:01 am

Tough call - these were made ALL over the place! America, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Germany, Poland, and Japan have all had (or still have) factories producing very similar wares

Would be near-impossible to tell unless someone here has one with a factory label.

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Green and bubbly? Can't remember! Empty Re: Green and bubbly? Can't remember!

Post by Pip August 10th 2009, 12:37 pm

They often get mistaken for Whitefriars too (although it's not).

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Green and bubbly? Can't remember! Empty Green and...

Post by Mr. Roboto August 11th 2009, 12:26 am

I thought this might be tricky to nail down. No label, no lucky!
Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto

Number of posts : 15
Location : Encounter Bay, Australia
Registration date : 2009-07-27

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