Help me locate this USA pottery mark

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Help me locate this USA pottery mark Empty Help me locate this USA pottery mark

Post by trogdor June 4th 2024, 7:19 pm

I have a few sets of bowls/plates with the same pottery mark. These were inherited from my grandmother, but I haven't been able to locate the maker. The only real information I have to go on (and it's mostly conjecture) is that these were likely acquired in San Diego, California or Madison, Wisconsin.

I've looked through every pottery mark reference guide I could find online, but haven't had any luck so far.
Help me locate this USA pottery mark Bowl_110 Help me locate this USA pottery mark Mark_111 Help me locate this USA pottery mark Mark_211

I'm really curious to find the maker and see if they are still in business.

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Help me locate this USA pottery mark Empty Re: Help me locate this USA pottery mark

Post by NaomiM June 4th 2024, 7:57 pm

I'm afraid most of us are based in the UK and unfamiliar with US studio pottery. Maybe it'll be on The Marks Project website

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