Bernard Rooke, date please

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Bernard Rooke, date please  Empty Bernard Rooke, date please

Post by Eamesbearart June 1st 2024, 8:51 pm

Can't find an era or design similar to my rooke lamp base and vase/pot? Any help appreciated thank you x

Bernard Rooke, date please  Screen22
Bernard Rooke, date please  Screen23

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Registration date : 2024-05-05

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Bernard Rooke, date please  Empty Re: Bernard Rooke, date please

Post by philpot June 2nd 2024, 8:36 am

You could do with visiting our Bernard Rooke file. There is a lot of information there,
Type Rooke in the search box..,

Basically 1960's/70's. Alan Wallwork, Louis Hudson and other potters mentioned in the thread. Basically Bernard Rooke moved from London to Suffolk in the late 60's and started a pottery at Swilland near Ipswich. It became a family enterprise, with his sons working full time. So their production was substantial for a small pottery. So a Rooke pot is made at the pottery, but may well not be by him. The market for this style i dominated by Rooke pots, and their big Lamp bases fetch high prices nowadays. There are always a fair number on Ebay.

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Bernard Rooke, date please  Empty Re: Bernard Rooke, date please

Post by NaomiM June 2nd 2024, 11:33 am

As a general rule of thumb, the handmade pieces are early. The moulded pieces are late

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Bernard Rooke, date please  Empty Re: Bernard Rooke, date please

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