Trident Pottery - Valerie Rees

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Trident Pottery - Valerie Rees Empty Trident Pottery - Valerie Rees

Post by Birky May 24th 2024, 4:20 pm

Just posting these out of interest really.

A thrown vase or vessel cut in half to form 2 bowls, slightly flattened underneath to form a base, glazed interiors. The 2 halves do not match so presumably there is a another pair out there somewhere!

Both have the impressed Trident Pottery mark.

I can think of lots of uses for these bowls, from Ashtrays to Avocados, but suggestions welcome.

Apologies if they are not of interest!Trident Pottery - Valerie Rees Img20103
Trident Pottery - Valerie Rees Img20104
Trident Pottery - Valerie Rees Img20105

Male Number of posts : 56
Age : 68
Location : Lincoln
Registration date : 2020-11-01

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