Blue studio mug 1960s shape, HP mark. Not Haven or Helen Pincombe

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Blue studio mug 1960s shape, HP mark. Not Haven or Helen Pincombe Empty Blue studio mug 1960s shape, HP mark. Not Haven or Helen Pincombe

Post by benwilliams May 20th 2024, 9:52 am

HP blue studio mug 1960s shape,
Wouldn’t think its Haven or Helen Pincombe judging by threads on here.
Well thrown, Red body, painting a bit slapdash.
Blue studio mug 1960s shape, HP mark. Not Haven or Helen Pincombe Img_5525
Blue studio mug 1960s shape, HP mark. Not Haven or Helen Pincombe Img_5524
Blue studio mug 1960s shape, HP mark. Not Haven or Helen Pincombe Img_5523

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Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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