Signed Grey blue tall bowl, Ruth Langton?

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Signed Grey blue tall bowl, Ruth Langton?  Empty Signed Grey blue tall bowl, Ruth Langton?

Post by Johope May 2nd 2024, 8:53 am

Can i have help in identifying this grey blue bowl. It has wavy edges and has two colours. It is height: 10.5cm Diameter: 16cm

There is a signature on the bottom which could be Something like Ruth Langton

Thank you

Signed Grey blue tall bowl, Ruth Langton?  Pxl_2115
Signed Grey blue tall bowl, Ruth Langton?  Pxl_2116
Signed Grey blue tall bowl, Ruth Langton?  Pxl_2117

Number of posts : 58
Location : Bristol UK
Registration date : 2020-07-16

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