Impressed Mark CW, CM GW or GM possibly?

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Impressed Mark CW, CM GW or GM possibly? Empty Impressed Mark CW, CM GW or GM possibly?

Post by Neil62 April 28th 2024, 10:17 am

Any assistance gratefully received.
Bought at auction in Shropshire few pieces from Wales some from abroad.
Realise the area doesn’t mean a whole lot but that’s all I know
BISPM & the book …can’t find anything similar
Probably closest was Wayne Clark or Bill Glover but not them.Impressed Mark CW, CM GW or GM possibly? Img_1414
Impressed Mark CW, CM GW or GM possibly? Img_1415
Impressed Mark CW, CM GW or GM possibly? Img_1413

Kind regards

Male Number of posts : 388
Age : 64
Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Registration date : 2022-04-04

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