Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark

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Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark Empty Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark

Post by Apicec76 April 27th 2024, 5:09 pm

Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark 17142312
Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark 17142313
Hi I have this lovely bowl marked AA or possibly AM ( .maybe for archie mccall)

Many thanks

Number of posts : 73
Location : Sussex uk
Registration date : 2023-08-01

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Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark Empty Re: Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark

Post by NaomiM April 27th 2024, 5:23 pm

Does the pot feel heavy for it's size? It's an incised mark, and most professional studio potters in the UK follow the Leach tradition of using a stamped mark, so it might be a hobby potter

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
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Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark Empty Re: Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark

Post by Apicec76 April 27th 2024, 5:31 pm

Yes it very heavy for its size

Number of posts : 73
Location : Sussex uk
Registration date : 2023-08-01

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Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark Empty Re: Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark

Post by NaomiM April 27th 2024, 6:25 pm

Then I'm afraid it's probably by a student or hobbyist

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark Empty Re: Identify studio pottery glazed bowl AA or AM mark

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