Help please, signed nolan, lp mark, 1972

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Help please, signed nolan, lp mark, 1972 Empty Help please, signed nolan, lp mark, 1972

Post by TWB April 25th 2024, 7:14 pm

Hi all,

Could this be Graham or Wendy Nolan. Its a simple peice but the green glaze is lovely and has elements of metal oxide colouHelp please, signed nolan, lp mark, 1972 20240412
Help please, signed nolan, lp mark, 1972 20240411
Help please, signed nolan, lp mark, 1972 20240410

Quite a large peice at 19cm wide and tall

Thank you

Emma aka TWB

Number of posts : 81
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2023-02-10

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