Raku pottery .p. or .DP. mark.

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Raku pottery  .p. or .DP. mark. Empty Raku pottery .p. or .DP. mark.

Post by Neil62 Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:08 am

Good evening,
I recently bought these two pots at auction.
I’ve looked at Guy Perkins & Pip, mark is similar but not right and can’t find any similar pottery they have produced.
I noted their mark did change but it’s the difference in the range of pots which put me off.
It could be from abroad and if no one recognises the style then that’s probably where I try next..
I’ve shown both pots because I thought the fish depiction might jog someone’s memory.
Grateful for any assistance or suggestions where to research.
Kind regardsRaku pottery  .p. or .DP. mark. Img_1410
Raku pottery  .p. or .DP. mark. Img_1412
Raku pottery  .p. or .DP. mark. Img_1411

Male Number of posts : 403
Age : 64
Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Registration date : 2022-04-04

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Raku pottery  .p. or .DP. mark. Empty Re: Raku pottery .p. or .DP. mark.

Post by Neil62 Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:09 am

Raku pottery  .p. or .DP. mark. Oimage82
Raku pottery  .p. or .DP. mark. Image83
Raku pottery  .p. or .DP. mark. Image81Raku pottery  .p. or .DP. mark. Image82

Same mark different angles!

Male Number of posts : 403
Age : 64
Location : Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Registration date : 2022-04-04

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