Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby

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Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby  Empty Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby

Post by trefor_d April 22nd 2024, 4:25 pm

Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby  Img_2468
Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby  Img_2467

Number of posts : 269
Location : Manchester
Registration date : 2022-05-17

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Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby  Empty Re: Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby

Post by NaomiM April 22nd 2024, 4:34 pm

Stamped Rob Bibb for Rob Bibby, Northamptonshire

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32327
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby  Empty Re: Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby

Post by trefor_d April 22nd 2024, 6:32 pm

Cheers Naomi👍

Number of posts : 269
Location : Manchester
Registration date : 2022-05-17

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Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby  Empty Re: Shallow dish decorated with swallows, RB initials? - Rob Bibb = Rob Bibby

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