Large jar, 20thC Chinese porcelain copying Japanese satsuma ware

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Large jar, 20thC Chinese porcelain copying Japanese satsuma ware  Empty Large jar, 20thC Chinese porcelain copying Japanese satsuma ware

Post by olipayton April 20th 2024, 6:49 pm

Hi peoples! I know it’s cheap but would still like to date this jar. I think Chinese there is a clear stamp but can’t decide which way up it goes

Large jar, 20thC Chinese porcelain copying Japanese satsuma ware  Image199
Large jar, 20thC Chinese porcelain copying Japanese satsuma ware  Image197
Large jar, 20thC Chinese porcelain copying Japanese satsuma ware  Image198

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Large jar, 20thC Chinese porcelain copying Japanese satsuma ware  Empty Re: Large jar, 20thC Chinese porcelain copying Japanese satsuma ware

Post by NaomiM April 20th 2024, 8:48 pm

Looks like 20thC Chinese porcelain, copying Japanese Moriage satsuma ware

Best to check the Gotheborg website of Chinese marks

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