Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts?

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Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? Empty Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts?

Post by fossdesign April 17th 2024, 9:52 am

Hi all,

First time posting so fingers crossed the images below work correctly!  Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? 1f60a

Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? Deets10
Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? Back10
Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? Stamp10

I have this beautiful piece of studio pottery and after a research thought it to be by Paul Berman, based on its maker's stamp, but stylistically it doesn't exactly match his style of work? Would anyone be able to identify this for me?

Thanks so much!

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Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts?

Post by NaomiM April 17th 2024, 10:56 am

I don’t think it’s by Paul Berman but I can’t suggest anyone else; might be his later work but it looks like it has some age to it. He has just retired but you may be able to contact him.

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Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts?

Post by fossdesign April 17th 2024, 11:37 am

Thanks so much Naomi, it has me stumped for sure... (one of a number of pieces that have me confused tbf, so I may drip feed them on this fab site to pick brains!) I'll contact them via that link and see if they can help. Thanks again Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? 1f60a

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Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts?

Post by NaomiM April 17th 2024, 12:49 pm

Is there a dot in the bottom left corner, underneath the P? Berman's mark doesn't have a dot. I'm not finding anything in the Marks book.
The decoration looks more like Paul Gooderham's, but it's not one of his recorded marks

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Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts?

Post by fossdesign April 17th 2024, 1:24 pm

Hi Naomi, Yes i believe it could be a dot, though even on close inspection I couldn't say for sure. Agreed that is is stylistically closer to Paul's work, and purchased not too far from his base in the West Midlands so i'll do some further digging I think. Thanks again for your input and help!

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Registration date : 2021-09-10

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Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts? Empty Re: Studio Pottery Vase, PB mark, possibly Paul Berman? Thoughts?

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