Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese?

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Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? Empty Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese?

Post by Thomas1 April 6th 2024, 2:36 pm

Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls. Surrender  Is it Chinese pottery? The pottery looks very old, how old could it be? Maybe someone knows more than me. Thanks in advance! Innocent

Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? 20240410
Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? 20240411
Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? 20240412Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? 20240413
Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? 20240414
Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? 20240415Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? 20240416
Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? 20240417

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Registration date : 2023-11-17

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Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese? Empty Re: Hello, I need help to identify these ceramic bowls, Chinese?

Post by NaomiM April 6th 2024, 8:22 pm

Looks like Chinese motifs but the clay and mark on the base doesn’t look right so might be from one of the smaller Asian countries

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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