FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot

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FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot Empty FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot

Post by Anamchara April 4th 2024, 7:09 pm

Can anyone tell me if this is FMF or FVF on my Keiller's Marmalade pot and what do the letters mean, please?

FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot Img_2017
FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot Img_2016

Number of posts : 36
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2024-02-14

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FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot Empty Re: FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot

Post by hercules brabazon April 6th 2024, 11:05 am

According to this it was FMF for "Food Manufacturers Federation":

Most of the Keiller's pots seem to have been made by Maling in Newcastle.
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot Empty Re: FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot

Post by Anamchara April 6th 2024, 5:03 pm

Thank you for the information and the link. : FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot 1f64f

Number of posts : 36
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2024-02-14

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FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot Empty Re: FMF or FVF on stoneware marmalade pot

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