Figure stick man potters L+ mark - Lowerdown Pottery
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Mamma Lee- Number of posts : 83
Location : Suffolk
Registration date : 2020-09-28
Re: Figure stick man potters L+ mark - Lowerdown Pottery
Lowerdown Pottery.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Figure stick man potters L+ mark - Lowerdown Pottery
Would it be by David Leach , Lowerdown Pottery
Mamma Lee- Number of posts : 83
Location : Suffolk
Registration date : 2020-09-28
Re: Figure stick man potters L+ mark - Lowerdown Pottery
Mamma Lee wrote:Would it be by David Leach , Lowerdown Pottery
David Leach ran the Lowerdown Pottery but unless it has David's LD seal as well as the Lowerdown seal (or just his LD seal alone) no-one could or should sell it as being by David.
David did make some things with just the Lowerdown seal himself in order to have pots at prices to suit the "pockets" of all visitors to the pottery. Once when I was at the pottery buying I did include a very attractive piece with just the Lowerdown mark on it and David said, "I should have put my personal seal on that one, so that I could have charged you more".
It is one of his standard brush decorations but would have been done by a large number of people down the years.
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Re: Figure stick man potters L+ mark - Lowerdown Pottery
Its leaf decoration!
philpot- Number of posts : 6591
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
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