Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

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Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Empty Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

Post by Tictac March 23rd 2024, 11:51 am

Once again I need to turn to the fourth emergency service...

I need some help Understanding the purpose of this piece, how it works or is it simply decorative, how was it made...

So first off its massive. dimensions are 38cm across x 35cm high. It weighs 10kg!

Having no direct experience of potting it looks wheel thrown, is it. how does the potter construct such a thing, from the inital slab of clay. Coil marks or thumbs marks in concentric circles.

I have popped a picture of the potters mark, would be of course useful if anyone recognises the work.

could it be for bread making?
Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Pxl_2061
Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Pxl_2062

i really am stumped by it.

Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Pxl_2058
Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Pxl_2059
Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Pxl_2060

Thanks as always in advance.

Number of posts : 32
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Registration date : 2023-09-15

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Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Empty Re: Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

Post by philpot March 23rd 2024, 12:09 pm

Its a Very large cooking pot. Mostly used for stews casseroles and the like Probably used for commercial purposes or in a large household. In not so older times, all cooking was done in pottery pots. Often oven an open fire. They would also be used in electric and gas ovens.
Hand thrown. Do not know the mark. Perhaps it was made for something special just to show the individual potters talents. Smaller pots were on the standard ware of the Leach pottery. Indeed we still have a couple in our kitchen cupboard!

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Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Empty Re: Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

Post by denbydump March 23rd 2024, 12:54 pm

It looks a bit like John Davidson's mark?

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Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Empty Re: Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

Post by potterymad62 March 23rd 2024, 12:56 pm

Second that denbydump: John Davidson, New Mills Pottery, Ladock near Truro in Cornwall.

Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Pxl_2523

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Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Empty Re: Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

Post by philpot March 23rd 2024, 1:24 pm

Brilliant! It would go with the fact that John Davidson started potting in Truro in 1962, with domestic pottery. That was before the boom in studio pottery of the late 60's/70's. So his living would have been the domestic pottery that he made. I wonder if it was a special commission?

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Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Empty Re: Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

Post by NaomiM March 23rd 2024, 2:49 pm

Muchelney make a large lidded pot for storing potatoes, but it's whatever you wanted it for really

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Empty Re: Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

Post by Tictac March 23rd 2024, 6:35 pm

Thats fantastic info. Thank you all. I just cant get over the heft of it, filled with stew or liquid i imagine it having to be slung between two poles, four cooks carrying it in. glazing the inside i assume makes it water tight and more hygienic and much as i love the idea of pot for potatoes storage and we are funny lot down here in Cornwall, im going for a storage vessel for pasties, like a giant cornish cookie jar.

Number of posts : 32
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Registration date : 2023-09-15

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Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Empty Re: Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

Post by potterymad62 March 23rd 2024, 6:45 pm

Tictac wrote:Thats fantastic info. Thank you all. I just cant get over the heft of it, filled with stew or liquid i imagine it having to be slung between two poles, four cooks carrying it in. glazing the inside i assume makes it water tight and more hygienic and much as i love the idea of pot for potatoes storage and we are funny lot down here in Cornwall, im going for a storage vessel for pasties, like a giant cornish cookie jar.

Male Number of posts : 894
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark Empty Re: Huge Stoneware Lidded Pot, Whats its purpose? - John Davidson, JD mark

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