Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley

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Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley Empty Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley

Post by Trixie March 22nd 2024, 4:25 pm

I'd be very grateful if anyone could provide information on this frosed, aqua-coloured flower vase. The diameter is approximately 14.5cm wide and it is 6cm high.

Last edited by denbydump on April 25th 2024, 10:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : pos ID)

Number of posts : 2
Location : South Ayrshire
Registration date : 2024-03-11

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Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley Empty Re: Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley

Post by RVsaid March 22nd 2024, 4:39 pm

Pop a uv light on it and if it glows green 👍

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Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley Empty Re: Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley

Post by denbydump March 22nd 2024, 4:44 pm

Might be Davidsons 1920s/30s.

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Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley Empty Re: Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley

Post by Trixie March 22nd 2024, 5:24 pm

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I don't have a UV lamp, if it glows green what does that mean?

Number of posts : 2
Location : South Ayrshire
Registration date : 2024-03-11

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Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley Empty Re: Frosted glass flower vase - Bagley

Post by Birky April 25th 2024, 10:28 pm

It is a Bagley Glass "Elf" Posy Vase, first produced in the 1930s. I have an identical one. If it glows / flouresces under a UV light source it has a Uranium Oxide content. Makes it a little more collectable. You can buy a simple and cheap UV flashlight from most pet stores - used for finding pet urine!!

Hope that helps.

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