Etched glass bowl, possible MCM by Kaj Franck?

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Etched glass bowl, possible MCM by Kaj Franck? Empty Etched glass bowl, possible MCM by Kaj Franck?

Post by Rebecca.anne March 18th 2024, 1:48 pm

I recently acquired a glass bowl and noticed a signature at the bottom. I'm not very familiar with glassware but have seen other Kaj Franck items that look similar. Can anyone help me find out more information? I'm very curious to know about this piece. Etched glass bowl, possible MCM by Kaj Franck? Screen11
Etched glass bowl, possible MCM by Kaj Franck? Screen10

Number of posts : 1
Location : Ann Arbor, MI
Registration date : 2024-03-18

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Etched glass bowl, possible MCM by Kaj Franck? Empty Re: Etched glass bowl, possible MCM by Kaj Franck?

Post by RVsaid March 22nd 2024, 10:42 am

Well I think you are spot on. That says Notsjo (Nuutajarvi) as the studio / company and Kaj was involved there. Looks to be FK and I have seen the use of these reversed letters on other pieces for Kaj Franck. It's a winner and a lovely find

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Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12

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