Mochaware vase with mark I can't decipher
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Hive75- Number of posts : 2
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2024-03-07
Re: Mochaware vase with mark I can't decipher
It looks like an early mark of Roger Irving Little from the 1950's. Roger and his son Tim specialised in this type of Mocha Ware at their Boscastle Cornish pottery and this looks atypical of their ware.
philpot- Number of posts : 6733
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
Re: Mochaware vase with mark I can't decipher
Vanessa Waller, early Rupert Andrews, and Brenda Murray also made mochaware. I'm afraid I don't recognise the mark
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Mochaware vase with mark I can't decipher
Thank you both for your suggestions. I think Roger Irving Little/Boscastle is most likely style-wise but I can't see any mark of his that looks like the one on my vase.
Hive75- Number of posts : 2
Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2024-03-07
Re: Mochaware vase with mark I can't decipher
I think you have got to bear in mind the nature of the pottery market in the 1950's. He started in a Cellar in Boscastle in 1956. The mass tourist industry was huge back then in Cornwall. No budget flying abroad! His customers were tourists looking for cheap souvenirs. So the idea of a very identifiable personal mark may not have occured to him as essential. So it might have changed a number if times. We just do not know.
philpot- Number of posts : 6733
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
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