Chinese pair of cranes posy vase

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Chinese pair of cranes posy vase  Empty Chinese pair of cranes posy vase

Post by fuzzyedges February 29th 2024, 1:17 pm

Liberated these from a charity shop before the beaks were snapped
I know very little other than the base is stamped china
A search on the internet seems to credit them to Cluj-Napoca factory, Transylvania, Romania. or hungary or german majolica
So if anyone has any information I would be grateful
The tree trunk is the posy vase
Its 26cm tall

Chinese pair of cranes posy vase  Img_0510
Chinese pair of cranes posy vase  Img_0511
Chinese pair of cranes posy vase  Img_0512

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Location : yorkshire
Registration date : 2011-05-15

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