Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft

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Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft Empty Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft

Post by Celtic_Fan February 24th 2024, 2:07 pm

Legend Designs, Polperro, Cornwall

I can find nothing mentioned about them, but they seem to have made pottery 'wizards' very similar to those made by early Clare Craft.
So far I've only seen their label on small wizards/folk. Some stood on a flat base, some standing on their own 2 feet, lying down, a shelf sitter, and one a clock with 2 figures applied to a 'tree stump'.

The main difference I can see to Clare Craft is their hats. These seem to have short hats. Very unlike the long pointed hats on the Clare Craft wizards.
This should be a good guide to ID any without labels.

As I mentioned on another post about Clare Craft Like wizards.

I wonder if these are by an ex Clare Craft worker? and with the larger ones (by whoever) having what looks to a PH back stamp, I wonder if there is any connection with Paula Humphris? - probably not!

As this was a pottery in Polperro, is Christian Robinson (son of Frank - Polperro Pottery) still on the forum?
Could a Mod possibly ask him if he knows anything about Legend Designs?

Thanks to 2 Ebayers for permission to post their photo's.
Hope it's ok to credit them?

1st one from magicmaggiemay

Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 5a10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 5c10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 5d10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 5e10

Next from alfandrob
He sold 2 of them. One didn't have a label, but it looks right and usefully, shows some base marks which would have been hidden.
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 1a10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 1d10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 1f10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 1b10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 1g10

This next one is a bit more Clare Craft like, but still just about different.
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 8a10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 8d10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 8e10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 8f10
Legend Designs - Polperro - Wizard similar to Clare Craft 8g10

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Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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