Books about Longwy pottery

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Books about Longwy pottery Empty Books about Longwy pottery

Post by Riley99 February 17th 2024, 1:17 pm

I have a small collection of Longwy pottery and have been searching for books on this maker.
Have found ones on the internet for inflated prices (the books are in French, as is the pottery.
Does anyone know of dealers/ bookshops(secondhand), that sticks any of them.
Authors are D Dreyfus, j feiffer and P Olland?
Regards, Riley99.

Number of posts : 8
Location : Devon uk
Registration date : 2024-02-15

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Books about Longwy pottery Empty Re: Books about Longwy pottery

Post by philpot February 17th 2024, 10:55 pm

The best search engine is . A search there gives most of the Longwy pottery books are by Domique Dreyfus. With several under £20. All in French tho.
If you want a wider selection, just put Longwy into the book title box and you will get a whole load of different books. Some of which seem to refer to Longwy pottery

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Books about Longwy pottery Empty Re: Books about Longwy pottery

Post by NaomiM February 17th 2024, 10:58 pm

Abebooks might have some. You can save the search to get notifications when they get any in

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Books about Longwy pottery Empty Re: Books about Longwy pottery

Post by Riley99 February 18th 2024, 9:41 am

Thank you for the info, I have just ordered a Dreyfus book from Amazon, looked on both these book sites, the other authors are significantly more expensive.
Just have to keep loking.
Regards, Riley99.

Number of posts : 8
Location : Devon uk
Registration date : 2024-02-15

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Books about Longwy pottery Empty Re: Books about Longwy pottery

Post by philpot February 18th 2024, 10:02 am

Unfortunately the two sites mentioned probably cover most of the online booksellers in the world. Rare books and items can end up being very pricey!

Number of posts : 6637
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Books about Longwy pottery Empty Re: Books about Longwy pottery

Post by Riley99 February 18th 2024, 2:34 pm

You are spot on!
I only understand basic french, so to pay £100 plus for a book is a bit rich.
Liberty books are another good site, but again very expensive.
Regards, Riley99.

Number of posts : 8
Location : Devon uk
Registration date : 2024-02-15

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