Studio Pottery Pierced Vase, Sun Selgurix ? Mark
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benwilliams- Number of posts : 2500
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27
Re: Studio Pottery Pierced Vase, Sun Selgurix ? Mark
Sun or flower mark is similar to one of Terry Davies, and like Marc Fraser but style doesn’t look right. The incised name ?
Solgurix, Solguriy, Solguny, Solgunl ? Or g may be a y ?
I’ve tried lots of combinations but no luck.
Solgurix, Solguriy, Solguny, Solgunl ? Or g may be a y ?
I’ve tried lots of combinations but no luck.
benwilliams- Number of posts : 2500
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27
Re: Studio Pottery Pierced Vase, Sun Selgurix ? Mark
I would guess it's French or Belgium
Carrot cake is just fake cake
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