Jacqueline Poncelet exhibition at Middleborough. Somewhat different!

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Jacqueline Poncelet exhibition at Middleborough. Somewhat different! Empty Jacqueline Poncelet exhibition at Middleborough. Somewhat different!

Post by philpot February 2nd 2024, 5:18 pm

A new exhibition by the ceramicist Jacqueline Poncelet is something rare, Always difficult to define and put in one school her work has always had an unusual air about it. Even more so this time. As this is an Exhibition of Carpet Remnants!!!! See and judge for yourself. A link to a review in the Guardian.


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Jacqueline Poncelet exhibition at Middleborough. Somewhat different! Empty Re: Jacqueline Poncelet exhibition at Middleborough. Somewhat different!

Post by croker February 4th 2024, 11:41 am

Just where does Poncelet fit in the art world, she was an excellent ceramist but tired of that, tried sculpture without much success, flirted with photography, decorated buildings and tube stations with tiles, made textiles ,rugs etc, a 'jack of all trades' but never seemed to develop fully in any area. She has had a number of exhibitions over the years so she must be quite well connected somewhere. Had the exhibition been more southerly i would have visited .

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