Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset

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Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Empty Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset

Post by NaomiM January 29th 2024, 9:44 pm

I think its by Pippa Flack (correct part of the Country) but not like her current work.

Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Img_2027
Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Img_2026

Last edited by NaomiM on February 1st 2024, 3:31 am; edited 2 times in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32750
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Empty Re: Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset

Post by NaomiM February 1st 2024, 3:28 am

Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Img_2214
Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Img_2216
Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Img_2215

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32750
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Empty Re: Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset

Post by NaomiM April 7th 2024, 2:00 am

Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Img_8239
Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Img_8237
Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Img_8238
Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Img_8240

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32750
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset  Empty Re: Pippa’s Pottery, Pippa Flack, Limington, nr Ilchester, Somerset

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