Wheal Martyn Pottery Bowl, Carthew Near St Austell, HzL mark?

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Wheal Martyn Pottery Bowl, Carthew Near St Austell, HzL mark? Empty Wheal Martyn Pottery Bowl, Carthew Near St Austell, HzL mark?

Post by potterymad62 January 27th 2024, 3:18 pm

Bowl from the Wheal Martyn pottery near St Austell 86, can't make the initial's out. Lester Fudge? or student/later resident potter after Lester.

Wheal Martyn Pottery Bowl, Carthew Near St Austell, HzL mark? Pxl_2496
Wheal Martyn Pottery Bowl, Carthew Near St Austell, HzL mark? Pxl_2497
Wheal Martyn Pottery Bowl, Carthew Near St Austell, HzL mark? Pxl_2498
Wheal Martyn Pottery Bowl, Carthew Near St Austell, HzL mark? Pxl_2499

Male Number of posts : 892
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Wheal Martyn Pottery Bowl, Carthew Near St Austell, HzL mark? Empty Re: Wheal Martyn Pottery Bowl, Carthew Near St Austell, HzL mark?

Post by NaomiM January 27th 2024, 8:54 pm

Lester Fudge may have finished potting by that time so someone borrowing the kiln, maybe

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32174
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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