Large Studio Pottery Cottage Lamp - impressed OTC mark, very detailed

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Large Studio Pottery Cottage Lamp - impressed OTC mark, very detailed Empty Large Studio Pottery Cottage Lamp - impressed OTC mark, very detailed

Post by Leach54321 January 17th 2024, 4:31 pm

This is a large studio pottery lamp in the form of a cottage which has alot of detail to the outside and inside - very distinctive and with an impressed monogram of what looks like oTc - can anyone please help Id this.

Large Studio Pottery Cottage Lamp - impressed OTC mark, very detailed Img_2218
Large Studio Pottery Cottage Lamp - impressed OTC mark, very detailed Img_2217
Large Studio Pottery Cottage Lamp - impressed OTC mark, very detailed Img_2219

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Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-03-19

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