Raku fish wall plaque, WT or TW mark, Tim Welbourne ?!

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Raku fish wall plaque, WT or TW mark, Tim Welbourne ?! Empty Raku fish wall plaque, WT or TW mark, Tim Welbourne ?!

Post by benwilliams January 12th 2024, 6:59 pm

Raku fish wall plaque, TW or WT impressed mark.
I found a Tim Welbourne  in Cornwall who was working with Raku a while back ( now more stoneware I think ) but I can only see gallery pictures so I can’t see his mark.
Anybody got his work to check, or recognise the mark?
Raku fish wall plaque, WT or TW mark, Tim Welbourne ?! Img_4614
Raku fish wall plaque, WT or TW mark, Tim Welbourne ?! Img_4613

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Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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