Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze

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Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze Empty Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze

Post by benwilliams January 12th 2024, 8:55 am

Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze
Pot looks hand built with bits of clay pushed into it. Blue glaze inside. Unsigned.
Ring any bells?
Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze Img_4612
Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze Img_4611
Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze Img_4610

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze Empty Re: Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze

Post by philpot January 12th 2024, 10:08 am

Hand built, and it looks a bit scruffy to be truly professional. That jagged edge top in particular. Although that blue glaze looks nice. Hobby potter or pprentice from some time ago? Looks a bit like the naturalistic work popular in the early 70's.

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Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze Empty Re: Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze

Post by NaomiM January 12th 2024, 12:10 pm

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze Empty Re: Studio pottery vase, brown grit & blue glaze

Post by benwilliams January 12th 2024, 6:55 pm

Thanks Naomi. it could well be Sue Harris, the construction looks similar but not the rim. bit frustrating there’s no mark.

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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