Masami Nagaoka - Iga

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Masami Nagaoka - Iga Empty Masami Nagaoka - Iga

Post by studio-pots December 30th 2023, 4:54 pm

Masami Nagaoka  was born in 1948 and first studied pottery in Chiba prefecture, as an apprentice to the potter Kamiya Norio.

However, he moved to live and work on the Izu peninsula around 25 years ago where he makes wood fired pottery in the Iga tradition. He imports kinose clay from Shigaraki to do this, as is the case with this sake bottle. You may well note that the surface of the sides of the tokkuri are imprinted lightly with patterns, as was done by Momoyama potters in Iga centuries ago.

Nagaoka is a quiet, reserved man but has gained a considerable reputation in both Japan and the USA.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

Male Number of posts : 7836
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Masami Nagaoka - Iga Empty Re: Masami Nagaoka - Iga

Post by studio-pots December 30th 2023, 4:59 pm

A tokkuri (sake bottle) by Nagaoka - san.

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Masami Nagaoka - Iga Nagaok14

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

Male Number of posts : 7836
Location : South East London
Registration date : 2011-02-17

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