Schramberg Majolika coffee service age

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Schramberg Majolika coffee service age Empty Schramberg Majolika coffee service age

Post by Marie.Schwarzwald December 30th 2023, 11:03 am

I‘m Marie and new here 😊
Have some old Schramberger Majolika stuff and wanted to find out the age of some pieces.

I want to start with my favorite coffee service.. the decor is called „437“.
I add some pictures, also from the stamp.
Miss some pieces and hope to find them someday.

Can anyone help with age and maybe the designer?

Thanks and have a nice day,
Marie 🙋🏻‍�

Schramberg Majolika coffee service age Img_2015
Schramberg Majolika coffee service age Img_2014
Schramberg Majolika coffee service age Img_2013

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Schramberg Majolika coffee service age Empty Re: Schramberg Majolika coffee service age

Post by studio-pots December 30th 2023, 4:44 pm

It looks to be from the late 1920s/early 1930s and as Eva Zeisel did design for them it would be good to say that it was her design.

However there is a website which shows her designs for Schramberg but I don't know if that is all of her design. Certainly none that are shown match.

There is a contact page on the website above so you might be able to ask them.

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