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Amaryllis Empty Amaryllis

Post by DavidG December 11th 2023, 6:09 pm

Sculptural piece is 11-1/2" tall, and approx. 7" wide. Rests upside down on crimson purple petals.  Frosted matte finish.  Heavy, like a sledge hammer.  Unmarked.  Does anyone recognize maker?  Found in CT, USA.Amaryllis 20231219
Amaryllis 20231220
Amaryllis 20231221

Number of posts : 63
Location : USA
Registration date : 2020-02-17

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Amaryllis Empty Re: Amaryllis

Post by Celtic_Fan December 11th 2023, 7:36 pm

The edges of the bottom of the stem look incredibly sharp (like they could cut). If that was intended to be this way up, I'd expect that stem to be more rounded and 'safe'. Could this have been broken off something else?

Male Number of posts : 469
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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Amaryllis Empty Re: Amaryllis

Post by DavidG December 11th 2023, 7:49 pm

Actually, the flower petals are smoothly edged. And it sits firmly on a flat surface. Does not appear to be broken as there are no unfinished or sharp edges anywhere.

Number of posts : 63
Location : USA
Registration date : 2020-02-17

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Amaryllis Empty Re: Amaryllis

Post by Celtic_Fan December 12th 2023, 12:20 am

Yeh, I wasn't referring to the petals. I can see they are smooth and you would expect that if they were meant to be uppermost. But this way up (flower down) I'd expect the actual stem base to be smooth, but it looks sharp - it may not be, but it looks like it's sharp and potentially dangerous. Which is why I wonder if it been broken off.

Male Number of posts : 469
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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Amaryllis Empty Re: Amaryllis

Post by Celtic_Fan December 12th 2023, 10:55 am

Just to add.
The arrangement of the petals - 3 over 3, means that it can only be stable that way up. Many stools used to have 3 legs, because they were stable on uneven surfaces. But that doesn't mean this flower was meant to be shown that way?
I could be wrong, but I just wonder about it like this.

Male Number of posts : 469
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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Amaryllis Empty Re: Amaryllis

Post by DavidG December 12th 2023, 3:10 pm

OK, now i understand your question/comments. The green edge (up in my photos) is a finished cut with a slightly beveled edge. Not a sharp surface.

But I suppose it could have been part of a larger piece with the petals up in a normal position. Not to delve too deep into floral anatomy, but it seems that the stamens could have been rendered more literally, in keeping with the petals and stalk.

Google searching yields that hanging amaryllis upside down is a thing. Who knew?

Number of posts : 63
Location : USA
Registration date : 2020-02-17

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Amaryllis Empty Re: Amaryllis

Post by Celtic_Fan December 12th 2023, 3:57 pm

DavidG wrote:The green edge (up in my photos) is a finished cut with a slightly beveled edge.  Not a sharp surface.  
Ok. Photo's can make things look different than 'in the flesh'.

DavidG wrote:Google searching yields that hanging amaryllis upside down is a thing. Who knew?
Not me.

Doing a google search, I've found PARMY glass flowers, which look a similar construction. The ones I've seen seem to be sold as a set of 3 in a glass vase - just like cut flowers.

And to me, used as a regular cut flower, or as a hanging decoration makes more sense. But it could just be a paper weight

Male Number of posts : 469
Location : Kent
Registration date : 2011-04-03

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Amaryllis Empty Re: Amaryllis

Post by DavidG December 12th 2023, 4:09 pm

Yes, I have found plenty of glass flower examples, but none of similar scale and mass. This could truly be used as a club and it would hurt! Not a delicate piece.

Number of posts : 63
Location : USA
Registration date : 2020-02-17

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Amaryllis Empty Re: Amaryllis

Post by DavidG December 13th 2023, 3:02 pm

Amaryllis 20231222
Amaryllis 20231223

Perhaps it was intended for this piece to be laid on its side?  Looking at it that way, possibly it is related to the Czech Kralik glass flowers, Floriform series?

Number of posts : 63
Location : USA
Registration date : 2020-02-17

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Amaryllis Empty Re: Amaryllis

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