Bernard Leach raku plate?

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Bernard Leach raku plate? Empty Re: Bernard Leach raku plate?

Post by NaomiM January 30th 2023, 5:48 pm

"9. Bernard Leach raku plate  43-1984" - did he ever do raku? I'm assuming it's the one with the 3 ladies, dated 1925. Very strange

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Bernard Leach raku plate? Empty Bernard Leach raku plate?

Post by FaithfullJohn January 30th 2023, 6:00 pm

Hi Naomi,

I've attached a sharper picture of pot no 9 on the case listing. This is what is labelled as Bernard Leach's raku plate, It's um, not very typical, to say the least!! It's a pity that Paisley Museum is closed for redevelopment just now, and their decorative arts curator is about to leave :( Next time I can get access, I will investigate further...;

Bernard Leach raku plate? Paisle13

Bernard Leach raku plate? Img_7825

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Bernard Leach raku plate? Empty Bernard Leach raku

Post by NaomiM January 30th 2023, 6:06 pm

Cheers Most Excellent Yes, very untypical of Bernard's work

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Bernard Leach raku plate? Empty Re: Bernard Leach raku plate?

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