JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey

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JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Empty JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey

Post by Leach54321 December 4th 2023, 10:59 am

This is a typical Nigerian JOS / Ajuba pottery tankard with the JOS impressed mark together with what looks like a two character monogram - perhaps CK but hard to work out - does anyone recognise the monogram please?

JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Img_1511
JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Img_1510
JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Img_1512

Number of posts : 409
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Registration date : 2018-03-19

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JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Empty Re: JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey

Post by NaomiM December 4th 2023, 11:31 am

We’ve had the mark a few times but i don’t think its been IDed

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JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Empty Re: JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey

Post by NaomiM December 4th 2023, 11:33 am

Another example

JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Img_7824

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32471
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JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Empty Re: JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey

Post by Pugmill December 4th 2023, 6:17 pm

Clement Kofi Athey

Number of posts : 302
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JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Empty Re: JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey

Post by Leach54321 December 5th 2023, 10:15 am

That's great - thank you for the identification

Number of posts : 409
Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-03-19

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JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey Empty Re: JOS / AJUBA POTTERY, CK or CKA MARK - Clement Kofi Athey

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