Is this the right place for an old chinese dish

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Is this the right place for an old chinese dish Empty Is this the right place for an old chinese dish

Post by hadfield Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:03 am

Been handed down many pieces of pottery that i keep trying to identify. However I am at a total loss on Chinese pieces.
Is this the right place to ask about oriental pieces?
Has anyone any knowledge on this dish age , potter well anything will help.
Is this the right place for an old chinese dish P1080514
Is this the right place for an old chinese dish P1080515
Is this the right place for an old chinese dish P1080513

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Is this the right place for an old chinese dish Empty Re: Is this the right place for an old chinese dish

Post by olipayton Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:10 am

Gotheborg. com may be worth looking at for Chinese pieces.

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Is this the right place for an old chinese dish Empty Re: Is this the right place for an old chinese dish

Post by NaomiM Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:28 am

I think its Japanese. Worth looking in Gotheborg under Imari and Arita marks

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