Chris Moore, Hatfield, Doncaster.

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Chris Moore, Hatfield, Doncaster. Empty Chris Moore, Hatfield, Doncaster.

Post by Birky November 9th 2023, 8:28 pm

Amongst the collection of Studio Pottery mugs I acquired recently is this piece. Centenary commemorative mug for St John Brigade 1887-1987, with Yorkshire on the reverse.

It is identified as it has the remains of a foil label on the bottom as well as the makers mark on the base of the handle that I have not found recorded elsewhere.

The label has degraded but I have a copy of the detail in full:
Chris Moore: Potter
Westfield House
Cuckoo Lane
Tel Don 840401

Thought it may be of interest to have the mark identified and recorded for future reference.

I have not found any further information about the potter, I would be interested to know if anyone else has? Obviously he or she was active in the 1980s.

Chris Moore, Hatfield, Doncaster. Img20256
Chris Moore, Hatfield, Doncaster. Img20255
Chris Moore, Hatfield, Doncaster. Img20254

Male Number of posts : 59
Age : 68
Location : Lincoln
Registration date : 2020-11-01

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Chris Moore, Hatfield, Doncaster. Empty Re: Chris Moore, Hatfield, Doncaster.

Post by NaomiM November 9th 2023, 9:05 pm

Thats great  Most Excellent

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32474
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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