Red glass vase

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Red glass vase Empty Red glass vase

Post by Pothead March 24th 2009, 9:26 am

Hello anybody have a clue who this piece is by? Large heavy thick walled piece - 35.5cm high. The base has a polished pontil with a R-75 sign. Thanks in advance.

Red glass vase Pictur13Red glass vase Pictur14

Male Number of posts : 25
Location : U.K
Registration date : 2008-03-18

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Red glass vase Empty Re: Red glass vase

Post by Pip March 24th 2009, 9:47 am

Gosh - that's unusual - I've never seen one before but I'm thinking Italian maybe just based on the colour and form?

Text & photographs ©️ Pip Harris
20th Century Retro/Vintage Ceramics & Glass

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Registration date : 2008-02-02

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Red glass vase Empty Re: Red glass vase

Post by Pothead March 24th 2009, 11:19 am

Cheers could be - we thought it was Wiinblad when we first clapped eyes on it.
Have not got a clue who's it by.

Male Number of posts : 25
Location : U.K
Registration date : 2008-03-18

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