Cranberry iridescent vase with heavy blue base

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Cranberry iridescent vase with heavy blue base Empty Cranberry iridescent vase with heavy blue base

Post by MyraOhMyra November 4th 2023, 1:31 pm

Not sure about anything regarding this vase. Is it recent or a bit older, is it hand made or mass production? The cranberry top with an iridescent coating is quite thin and has some tiny irregularities (bubbles) here and there; the base has a matte coating around it but not at the bottom. No pontil obviously, but then it looks like the base seems attached to the vase and therefore made separately. Any thoughts? Thank you! (Edit for typo in title)

Cranberry iridescent vase with heavy blue base Img_8910
Cranberry iridescent vase with heavy blue base Img_8911
Cranberry iridescent vase with heavy blue base Img_8912

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Registration date : 2023-06-03

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