Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked

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Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked Empty Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked

Post by benwilliams October 31st 2023, 9:03 pm

Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked
I’m sure I’ve seen similar patterns on the forum before.
It’s a bit like David Leach Lowerdown pieces but I guess quite a few potters were making similar work.
Any ideas? Thank you.
Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked Img_3614
Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked Img_3615
Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked Img_3613

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Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked Empty Re: Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked

Post by denbydump October 31st 2023, 11:37 pm

Andrew Hague maybe, similar style.

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Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked Empty Re: Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked

Post by benwilliams November 1st 2023, 1:58 pm

It is similar to his work - it could be him but I’ve had boxes by him and pattern has been a bit different and they’ve been a bit chunkier.

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Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked Empty Re: Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked

Post by NaomiM November 1st 2023, 4:15 pm

It's a lovely shape and decoration. Maybe Eeles pottery

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Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked Empty Re: Studio pottery stoneware lidded box, unmarked

Post by studio-pots November 2nd 2023, 8:49 am

The name that came to my mind is Tim Andrews before he turned to raku. However, I suspect that the only real way to get a definitive answer is for a potter to see it and say it was one of theirs.

However, because of the quality of the item they might be fibbing. Cheeky

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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