George or Gwen - G. Owen-Jones

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George or Gwen - G. Owen-Jones  Empty George or Gwen - G. Owen-Jones

Post by NaomiM October 29th 2023, 1:37 am

G Owen Jones - Gwen or George
1954- London = Gwen
1960s-70s Abingdon, Oxfordshire = George

Signed or stamped G. Owen-Jones or G O-J. Either Gwen or George. The 3rd Edn of the BSPMarks book attributes them to George because of one example with a George Owen Jones signature, and has dropped Gwen who was in the 2nd Edn

George or Gwen - G. Owen-Jones  Img_4140
George or Gwen - G. Owen-Jones  Img_4141

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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